You use this page when you are uploading your own submission to an assignment. The settings and options that you work with on this page are as follows:
Title: Edit the video or document title if applicable.
Description: Enter a description or the purpose of the video or document you are uploading.
Group Submission (Optional): This option is not available for instructors.
Students in my group: This option is not available for instructors.
Assign to Student: Select a student from the drop-down list to assign this video or document to. This option is particularly useful when you are recording students' speeches in class and uploading them to MediaShare. You can then use this drop-down list to assign the uploaded video to its respective student.
Display: Select Public to allow all students to view the submission or select Private.
Pearson can use my submission for promotional purposes: Select this option to allow Pearson to possibly use your submission in marketing and other promotional materials.
Save: Check your entries before clicking the Save button; once you save this page you cannot change the settings.