Location: Printing one page or facing pages

Printing one page or facing pages

If your eText enables you to print pages, you can use the Print button on the toolbar or the Print link at top right of your screen to print one or more pages. If you see either the Print icon or the Print link, your eText supports printing pages, otherwise it does not.


To print a single page or two facing pages in an eText:

  1. Navigate to the page or facing pages that you want to print.

  2. Click the Print button.
  3. Enter settings in the Print dialog box, as needed, and click Print.

To print multiple pages:

If your production eText is configured to print multiple pages at once, you will be able to print up to maximum 10 pages.

  1. Navigate to any page other than Cover page.
  2. Click the Print button on toolbar or Print link on header.
  3. From the Print pop up, select the number of pages to be printed and click on Print button.
