View and grade writing assignment submissions
Updated 10 Oct 2023
View auto-graded writing submissions
You can review auto-graded writing submissions before you release them to students. This option lets you review and if necessary change auto-grading decisions.
From either Create assignment or Edit assignment, open an auto-graded writing assignment.
In the writing assignment, on the Create Assignment or Edit Assignment page, scroll to the Scoring options section.
Turn off Release scores automatically.
Select Save and then Done.
The Dashboard shows how many assignments you have to review and release.
Select the options menu
of an assignment that needs review, then select View submission.
When you finish reviewing, select the options menu again, then Release submission.
Automatically grade writing assignments
Open a writing assignment that came with your course materials.
Revel can autoscore only writing assignments that come with your course materials.
Select Edit.
Scroll to the Choose scoring method section.
Select a scoring option:
Automatic scoring grades submissions with no additional input from you. If you select this option, also choose to release scores automatically or to release scores only after you review submissions.
AI-assisted scoring grades submissions based on your grading patterns for a given prompt. You need to manually score 20 or more submissions from each writing assignment to use AI-assisted scoring for the remaining class submissions.