Enter algebraic expressions with a keyboard
Updated 05 Mar 2024
You can enter an algebraic expression with correct notation using simple and, in many cases, quite natural keyboard characters.
You can also use a palette (if provided) for answering expression questions.
- To divide, use a slash /. To multiply, use an asterisk *.
- To group, use parentheses ( ): 3/(x*4)
- To enter powers, use a caret ^, x^2
- To enter square roots, use the sqrt function: sqrt(2)
- Use the functions log (log base 10), ln (natural log), arccos, arcsin, arctan, sin, cos, and tan, e.g., arccos(1)
- Use the constants pi and e
- For the sin, cos, and tan functions, enter arguments in radians, e.g., sin(pi/3)
sin(2x^(y+z)) is interpreted as
sqrt((2H)/g) is interpreted as