Defining randomized variables with other variables

The Min, Max, and Step fields can contain numbers or any mathematical function that is allowed in an answer. They can also include other defined variables. You can define variables using an equation, provided the equation contains only constant numbers and previously defined variables.

For example, if you define a variable m_1 that ranges from 10 to 20 kg and you want to define another mass that depends on m_1, you could set:

min = m_1+1 and max = m_1+11

The Mastering series evaluates variable definitions first to last. Therefore, you must define independent variables before defining the variables that depend on them.

You must also ensure that the defined values of variables produce correct variables. In the expression above, for example, since:

min = m_1+1 and max = m_1+11

min values are always less than max values.

See also: 

Random variables overview

Defining random variables

Formatting variables