Upload documents for sharing

Updated 17 Aug 2021

Use the Document Sharing tool to upload and share document, presentation, audio, and video files, and then set up categories to store the uploaded files. Others can then download the files you uploaded. You can later edit a shared file to change its description or upload a new version of it, or you can delete it.

Students can use this feature to upload their own documents and share them with the entire class or with the instructor only.


  • Do not use special characters, such as & $ % # @ * ( ) or spaces in the folder and file names you create or upload.
  • There is no storage space limit for a course, but try to keep each file you upload smaller than 10 MB to ensure that it uploads successfully.
  • To include content that is larger than 10 MB, upload the file to an external server then link to the URL from a Linked Content menu item or add a website link on a content page.