Gap Finder Diagnostic modules

Updated 23 Jul 2023

Gap Finder Diagnostic modules identify any student knowledge gaps for material they should know for success in the course. These Diagnostic modules can recommend related Gap Finder Study Modules for students to learn what they don’t already know. Students can work Gap Finder modules for independent study or as assignments.

  • Assign Diagnostic modules at the start of the course. When available for your course, look for modules named "Gap Finder: ... Diagnostic".
  • Assigned Diagnostic modules should be completed by their due dates. The score reported to the Gradebook for assigned Gap Finder Diagnostic modules is based on student work done before the assignment due date.
  • You can also assign "Gap Finder: ... Study Modules" to all students in the course. Even if you don't assign these, individual students may complete one or more of these recommended Study Modules after doing Gap Finder Diagnostic modules.
  • To see student progress for unassigned and assigned Gap Finder modules: Open the Dynamic Study Module reporting area to view student progress, including knowledge by topic. Students who complete assigned Gap Finder Diagnostic modules receive full credit (all points), regardless of right or wrong answers.