Inactivity time-out on homework

If you start work on a homework activity in the MyLab player and then stop working on it without closing it out, after a period of inactivity the player will time out. For example, if you start work on a homework activity and then go to lunch for a couple of hours without exiting the activity, the player will save your work and end the homework session.

Inactivity is defined as no keystrokes, mouse clicks, or taps in the assignment or the player window for a set amount of time. The default is 30 consecutive minutes, but the length of time can vary from course to course. If the homework activity has media materials—such as html files, slide presentations, videos, or audios—that open in a separate window, they are excluded from the time-out period.

After the designated period of inactivity, the player displays a prompt letting you know that it will save the work you've done so far and end the session in five minutes. The prompt also gives you the option of continuing work on the homework before the five-minute countdown ends. If you select Yes, you can resume work on the activity. If you do not select Yes, the player ends the session and displays a message letting you know that your work has been saved. You can then select OK to close the player, and return to complete the homework now or later.

The inactivity time out applies only to homework and Extra Practice activities that you work on in the player. It does not apply to tests, quizzes, and other assessments. The time out also does not apply to any homework activity you work on outside the player, for example Writing Skills and Writing Practice essays, or assignments in Writing Space and Learning Catalytics.

The period of inactivity is not included in the MyLab's calculation of the amount of time you spent on the activity.


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