Answer questions in the player with JAWS

The questions in many homework activities and Extra Practice questions are displayed in the MyLab player. You usually get more than one chance to answer a question correctly, and you can open a Question Help tool, such as Help Me Solve This, to get help answering the question that you're working on. You don't need to finish an activity in one session. You can save the answers you've completed, exit the activity, and come back later to finish it. You have to finish all questions in the activity before you can submit it to your instructor for credit.

To answer questions in the player with JAWS, you must first change the player settings. See Set up the player for JAWS for more information.

The player behaves a bit differently depending on the kind of activity you are working on. See the following for more information:

Work a math activity with JAWS

Work a reading or grammar activity with JAWS

Answer free-response questions with JAWS

Answer multiple-choice questions with JAWS

Interactive grammar-apply activities cannot be worked with JAWS. Contact your instructor for assistance.

See also:


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