SourceCheck originality checker

The SourceCheck originality checker searches the Internet for content that matches the content in a composition assignment. The found content can match the entire document or just a portion of the document, such as a paragraph. SourceCheck then creates a report that shows:

You can review the resulting report to ensure that you have cited any matching content before submitting the assignment to your instructor. This report is attached to the composition assignment and is available when the document is in the composing space or through the assignment's draft history. Your instructor also has access to the report.

Tip: Submit a composition assignment to SourceCheck at least two days before submitting the assignment to the instructor. The turnaround from submission to report is typically 24 hours. You can then use the second day to make sure you have cited any copied content.

When it is available, SourceCheck can review a total of six composition assignments (or drafts) and/or personal documents that you write (or paste) in the composing space. The number of submissions remaining is displayed when you click the Check Sources link in the composing space.


Personal documents

You can also submit personal documents to SourceCheck. (A personal document is one that is not part of an assignment.) A personal document is counted as a submission, and the resulting report will be attached to the personal document. If you copy and paste the personal document into a composition assignment, the report remains attached to the personal document, not the assignment. Your instructor has access to all SourceCheck reports run against your assignment documents, but not your personal documents.

See also:

Submit a document to SourceCheck | Display a SourceCheck review