When creating or editing a peer-review assignment, you use the Step 3: Add/Edit Groups page to add groups, move students from one group to another, remove students from all groups, and/or save the group setup as a template.
The MyLab displays the existing groups and their members. There is also an Unassigned list of any students who are not yet assigned to a group, such as those who joined your course after you set up the assignment and groups). Students on the Unassigned list cannot work on the assignment until you place them in a group.
The MyLab also displays icons next to the student names that tell you where the student is in the process of completing the
Base draft submitted
To display the icon legend, point to the Icon Key link.
Important: Once any student has started work on the assignment, make sure to review Manage peer-review groups/teams before moving a student from one group to another and before removing a student.
The tasks you can perform on this page are (click a link to display a description):
Add an unassigned student to a group
Move students from one group to another
Remove a student from all groups
Save the group configuration as a template
Click the Continue button to save your changes and, if applicable, the template.