Test assignments
You can test an assignment by switching to student view and then opening and working in the assignment. The MyLab records your score in the gradebook, but does not include your grade in any gradebook calculations.
Note: You cannot test a collaboration or peer-review assignment because you are not in a student group. To see the student side, refer to the .pdf files Collaboration Assignments: A Student Perspective and Peer-Review Assignments: A Student Perspective.
To test an assignment:
- Click the Student View link at the top of the course window.
- Click the Continue button.
Click the To Do tab.
- Expand My Assignments.
- Expand Due.
- Click the assignment's title.
The MyLab displays the assignment's details.
- Click the Begin Working button or, for a diagnostic or skill-building assignment, click the exercise set to work on.
- Work through the assignment.
- Click the Instructor View link, at the top of the course window, to exit the student view.
See also:
Edit an assignment | Activate and deactivate assignments | Delete an assignment