Location: Assignments > View assignment lists

View assignment lists

The All tab on the Assignments page displays lists of current, past due, and deleted assignments, and any assignments that require additional setup.

To display the assignment lists:

  1. Do one of the following:
  2. Click Current Assignments to display the list of assignments that are not yet past due.
  3. Click Past Assignments to display the list of assignments with deadlines in the past.

    An assignment's deadline is determined by its due date and time. For example, if an assignment is due at 1:00 p.m. on March 15 and it is now 2:00 p.m. on March 15, the assignment is in the Past Assignments list.

  4. Click Deleted Assignments to display the list of any assignments you deleted.
  5. Click Assignments Requiring Additional Setup to display a list of assignments that need more information before students can begin work on them. These are assignments that you:

    You can click an assignment to edit it and complete its entries.

From the All tab, you can also:

See also:

View the course calendar