Location: Assignments > Display a draft history and your review comments

Display a draft history and your review comments

After you comment on, grade, and submit a student's submission, you can re-open the assignment to review your comments and grade. You can also display the draft history for a composition or collaboration assignment as you review it. A draft history displays:

You can display a draft history from the composing space and the Grade Assignments page. Which page you use depends on the state of the student's submission.

To display a draft history as you review a composition or collaboration assignment:

  1. Open the assignment to display it in the composing space.
  2. Click the Drafts and Comments button to display the draft history.

To open a graded assignment and display its draft history or comments:

  1. Do one of the following to display the Grade Assignments page:
  2. Select Graded from the rightmost drop-down list.

    Select Graded from the rightmost drop-down list.

  3. Click the Filter button.

    All the graded assignments are listed.

  4. Click the student's name for the submission you want to open.

    Peer-review and portfolio assignments open and display your comments, any attachments, and the grade.

    A composition or collaboration assignment, however, opens in the composing space.

  5. Click the Drafts and Comments button in the composing space to display the draft history for a composition or collaboration assignment.

When applicable, the draft history displays the Reviews drop-down list. Use this list to display your (Instructor) comments as well as any available reviews from SourceCheck and Pearson Tutor Services.