Location: Get Started > Help Search Tips > Use the Online Help

Use the Online Help

Your Pearson Education MyLab includes online Help and instructions on how to use it. The online Help appears in a frameset with the following options to assist you in locating information:

Click the... To...

Contents bar

Contents bar in the lower-left corner of the Help window

Display the Table of Contents. Help content is organized into books that contain pages or additional books.

To open a book and show the books or pages it contains, click the book icon. To view the corresponding topic in the topic pane, click a page. To close a book, click the book icon again.

Search All Topics bar

Search bar in the lower-left of the Help window

Display the Search pane, which offers full-text search of the Help for occurrences of:
  • Individual words.
  • Phrases with quotes to look for an exact match.
  • Phases without quotes to look for any of the words in the phrase. This is equivalent to entering word1 or word2.
  • A combination of words with a Boolean keyword, such as not, and, or or. For example, the search string dogs and cats and fish locates all topics with all these words.

Marks of punctuation can also be used in place of Boolean keywords. For details on using these symbols, refer to Advanced Search.

To use Search, type the words or phrases you are searching for in the box and click Search. The search string is not case-sensitive. For example, Cats matches cat and vice versa.

The search results are weighted so that the most relevant topics are likely to be at the top of the list. To view one of the topics in the Search results, select it from the list. The topic appears on the content pane on the right with each word in the search string highlighted.

To remove highlighting, click the Remove search highlighting button on the toolbar.

To save a specific search string, click the Add search string to favorites button, which is to the right of the Search button.

Favorites bar

Favorites bar in the lower-left of the Help window

Display any bookmarks to Help topics or saved searches.

Hide navigation button

"Hide navigation" icon

Hide or show the left pane of the Help frameset. When the pane is shown, you can click the button to hide it. When the pane is hidden, you can click the button to show it.

Print Topic button

"Print topic" icon

Print the current Help topic in the frameset.

To print all panes of the frameset, use the browser's Print button.

Add topic to favorites button

"Add topic to favorites" icon

Add the current Help topic to the list of Favorite Topics on the Favorites bar.

Remove search highlighting button

"Remove search highlighting" icon

Remove highlighting of the current search string to make the current Help topic easier to read.

See also:

Help Search Tips | Flag Help Topics as Favorites