View class averages

Updated 19 Feb 2024

The class average row displays the average score for each column on the Gradebook > Grades or Grades > Instructor Gradebook page. By default, it appears as the first row in the gradebook for instructors, and as the last column in the gradebook for students. The average value is updated continuously as students start or submit assignments.

  1. Click Preferences > Grading.
  2. Select Provide a class average.

Teaching assistants must have permission to change preferences. Within a course, you give teaching assistants the ability to create or edit course materials on the Preferences > Permissions page. (MyLab Languages only)

What's calculated?

The average score of an asset is the average score of all of the students who submitted the asset. The class average is calculated only for assets that have numeric value scoring and is always shown as a percentage.

  • Past due activities that have not been submitted or have not been accepted are counted as zero (0). You can change zero grades by extending the activity due date to a date in the future or by editing the grade manually.
  • For leveled content assets, the class average reflects the average of the reported grades, which may have been obtained from different versions of the same activity. This is because the grade reflects the student's performance on the specific leveled asset that the student completed, which could be different for each student. For example, Student 1 may submit an advanced version of an asset, while Student 2 may submit a remedial version of the same asset.
  • Selection list and free text custom columns display --- for the class average.

Scores for the demonstration student (_student, _student) are not included in the class average calculation.