Accessibility Information

Updated 19 Feb 2024

You can set keyboard shortcuts for various playback controls, or navigate through all the controls and select the ones you want.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Shortcut Description
Ctrl + Alt + I Opens the Additional Details popup.
Ctrl + Alt + A Toggles the visibility of the Student Action Pane.
Ctrl + Alt + H Opens the Help window.
Ctrl + Alt + P Pauses and resumes playback of the simulation.
Ctrl + Alt + R Restarts the current playback from the beginning.
Ctrl + Alt + S Identical to the 0.5x speed button.
Ctrl + Alt + N Identical to the 1x speed button.
Ctrl + Alt + D Identical to the 2x speed button.
Ctrl + Alt + F Identical to the 4x speed button.
Ctrl + Alt + M Toggles the visibility of the mouse trail.
Ctrl + Alt + Right Arrow Moves the playback to the next step.
Ctrl + Alt + Left Arrow Moves the playback to the previous step.

Ctrl + Alt + 1

Ctrl + Alt + 2

Ctrl + Alt + <n>

Moves the playback to the first step.

Moves the playback to the second step.

Moves the playback to the nth step.

Keyboard Navigation

Shortcut Description
The Tab Key or the Right Arrow key Moves the focus to the next control on the screen.
Shift + Tab or the Left Arrow key Moves the focus to the previous control on the screen.
The Enter key or the Spacebar Selects or toggles the currently active control.