Navigate the gradebook
Updated 19 Feb 2024
To open the gradebook click Gradebook (MyLab Languages only) or click Grades > Instructor Gradebook(MyLab IT only).
Once it is open you see columns for all assignments in the selected folders. The assignments appear in the course that they appear in the course, by default. To change the order of the columns:
- Select Manage Course Materials.
- Select Manage Your Course Materials Library.
- Use the Order column to drop and drop items in the sequence you want them.
You can control the assignments or the folders to view in the Gradebook by selecting from the Assignment Types or Select Folder drop-down menus.
All the students enrolled in your course automatically appear in each gradebook row. Use the scroll bar to move down the page. Use the arrow buttons on the far right to page across horizontally. You can also search for a specific student with the Search Students field.
To use filter what is displayed in the gradebook using the three buttons in the middle of the screen:
- The Assigned button shows the items assigned to each student.
To see items for a specific date, select the Assigned button and select a date from the calendar. To select a range of date, select the starting date, hold down the Shift key, and then select the ending date.
- The Not Pass button shows items that are pass due or that have a non-passing grade.
- The Violation button shows items that may not have been completed honestly.
Video: Integrity Violations
- The Manual Grading button shows items that require manual grading. All other assignments are graded automatically.
You can tell if any of these buttons is activity by the heavy border along the bottom of the button.