Change the number of attempts for activities

Updated 19 Feb 2024

In some cases, you may want to change the number of attempts students have to complete a single activity. In other cases, you may want to change the number of attempts for all activities of a particular type at once.

What counts as an “attempt” in MyLab Languages?

Each time a student opens an activity, no matter what the student does after that point, it counts as an attempt. If the student closes the activity without submitting it, it is still considered an attempt.

Students receive a warning when they open an activity for the last attempt. After a student uses all of the allowed attempts, the student can no longer open and view the activity.

Please keep this behavior in mind if you are going to limit the number of attempts for activities to a low number. Make sure your students understand how attempts are counted by the system.

What is the default number of attempts?

For all the activity types (except Test), the default number of attempts is automatically set to 100. The Test activity type is set by default to 1 attempt.