Through an order, an organization purchases licenses to Pearson products. An order might contain multiple line items. A line item represents a unique request and consists of information such as the purchasing organization, product, quantity (number of seats), and date range. When an order for a new license is placed in RADmin or received by an external ordering system, such as SAP, RADmin creates a corresponding license for each line item in the order. Once the license is created, users associated with a qualifying organization can subscribe to the product associated with the license within the date range.
A user's access to resources is governed by institutional licensing. Based on licensing terms, resources might have different time frames in which they can be accessed. For example, students can access resource A for six months, resource B for 1 year, and resource C for ten uses.
Important: For institutional licensing, pricing and billing functions are handled outside of RADmin. Changes made from RADmin do not automatically update a customer’s billing.
If an order or a line item in an order cannot be processed by RADmin, it is added as an entry to the line item exception queue. A sample exception is a line item that does not have an associated organization in RADmin. Only orders or line items from an external system can become exceptions. Orders or line items added directly in RADmin do not become exceptions, because they are corrected before being submitted. Exceptions can be changed and resubmitted or removed if the exception is resolved in some other way. Editing or canceling a license results in an order line item being created in RADmin for tracking purposes.