Editing Organizations

From the Manage Organization page, you can view a RUMBA organization's:

You can Edit the organization's display names and profiles.

To change an organization's display information:

  1. Search for an organization. The Manage Organization page appears.
  2. To change the organization display details, click Edit information.
  3. Under Internal Name box, view the organization name that appears only to RADmin users and the organization identifier.
  4. Under Address, view the organization's address.
  5. In the Display Name box, enter the name of the resource that you want users to see while registering.

    Note: To add another display name, click Add and enter the name. To remove a display name, click Delete icon.

  6. From the Display Profile list, select the group of users associated with the organization. You can select more than one.
  7. Under External System Identifiers, view the identifiers for the organization assigned by systems outside of RADmin.
  8. Under Source System, view the organization's system of record.
  9. To open the Manage page of the organization's parent, sibling, or child organization, click its link.

  10. When you finish viewing and changing organization details, click Save.