Editing Organizations
From the Manage Organization page, you can view a RUMBA organization's:
- Internal name
- Display profiles
- External system identifiers
- Source systems
- Parent, sibling, and child organizations
You can Edit the organization's display names and profiles.
To change an organization's display information:
- Search for an organization. The Manage Organization page appears.
- To change the organization display details, click Edit information.
- Under Internal Name box, view the organization name that appears only to RADmin users and the organization identifier.
- Under Address, view the organization's address.
- In the Display Name box, enter the name of the resource that you want users to see while registering.
Note: To add another display name, click Add and enter the name. To remove a display name, click Delete icon.
- From the Display Profile list, select the group of users associated with the organization. You can select more than one.
- Under External System Identifiers, view the identifiers for the organization assigned by systems outside of RADmin.
- Under Source System, view the organization's system of record.
To open the Manage page of the organization's parent, sibling, or child organization, click its link.
- When you finish viewing and changing organization details, click Save.