Location: Answer questions in your player > Show your work > Add images

Add images

You can upload an image to your computer and then add the image to the entry box in the Show Work window. You also can insert a horizontal line to divide the entry box.

Upload an image

You can upload one or more images in .png, .bmp, .gif, or .jpeg (.jpg) format. The maximum size for all uploads in the Show Work window is 200 Kb.

To upload an image to the Show Work window:

  1. Put your cursor where you want to add the image.
  2. Click the Insert Picture button above the box. You also can choose Insert > Insert Picture from the menu.
  3. Use your browser's file upload window to navigate to the image and select it.

Add a line

To enter a horizontal dividing line:

  1. Put your cursor where you want to add the line.
  2. Choose Insert > Horizontal Line from the menu.

A horizontal line appears across the width of the entry box.

See also:

Add a figure

Add a graph

Add tables and matrices

Enter math symbols

Format math

Format text

Show your work

Undo or redo an entry