Your instructor can set up a writing assignment so that you review your classmates' work and they review yours. Your instructor will provide rubrics for you to use to evaluate your classmates' writing. After the peer reviews are completed, your instructor issues the final grade.
If peer reviews are required for the assignment, you see a map of the steps in the Instructions section of the writing assignment. Your tasks are on the left side and others' tasks are on the right side. For example:
The next step you need to take in the process is highlighted.
To do a peer review:
- Write and submit your first draft.
- When the "Review your peers' drafts" section is highlighted, click the arrow symbol to see the drafts you need to review:
![A list of drafts ready for review](images/ws_ready_for_peer_review.png)
- Click a Ready to review link.
- When your classmate's work appears, check the rubric and enter rubric scores and comments.
- When you are finished reviewing, click Submit. (You can click Save and return later to save your scores and comments and continue working on the review later.)
- When the "Review the comments you received" section is highlighted, click the link to go to your draft and see your classmates' comments and scores on rubrics.
- In the Helpful column next to the peer review comments, click a thumbs-up or thumbs-down icon to indicate whether a review was helpful or not helpful.
- When you have finished rating all the peer reviews, click Submit.
You can get more detailed information on peer review assignments by clicking on the help icon at the top right of the writing window.