Location: Create and edit courses > Copy a course

Copy a course

You can copy a MediaShare course and its supporting materials. Once the course is created, you can create new assignments or copy or move existing assignments to it.

The new course has its own, unique course ID.

To copy a MediaShare course: 

  1. Point to the Manage tab and click My Courses.
  2. Point to the course's title and click its Copy link.
  3. Change the Course Title to the new course's title.
  4. Complete or change the remaining entries as needed for the course. (The information you enter will be displayed to your students.)
  5. (Optional) Add Supporting Materials to the course. See Add supporting materials for details.
  6. Click the Save Course button (you may need to scroll down to see the button).

    MediaShare redisplays the My Courses page which now includes your new course.

See also:

Create and edit courses | Copy an assignment | Move an assignment to another course