Create Instructor Review Rubric page

You use this page when creating or editing an instructor rubric. The settings and options that you work with on this page are as follows.

Rubric Name: Enter or edit the Rubric Name as needed.

Copy Rubric: To copy a rubric and use it as the basis for a new rubric, first select the rubric to copy from the Copy Rubric drop-down list. Then enter the new rubric's name in Rubric Name.

Section and Category: A rubric can have as many sections as you need, and a section can have as many categories as needed.

Complete the first section and its categories as follows:

  1. Enter the Section title.
  2. Enter the description of the first category.
  3. Select the maximum number of points a student can receive for the category from the drop-down list.
  4. Click the Add another category button if you need more categories.
  5. (Optional) Drag the Drag to re-order icon to change the category order.
  6. (Optional) Click a category's Remove this item icon to delete it.
  7. Click the Add New Section button if you need more sections.
  8. (Optional) Click the Drag to re-order sections icon to change the section order.
  9. (Optional) Click a section's Remove icon to delete it.

Save: Make sure to click the Save button to save the rubric.

See also:
