Location: Review and grade submissions

Review and grade submissions

When you review a student submission you can enter comments, and if the assignment has a rubric, enter rubric scores. MediaShare then makes your comments and rubric scores available to the student. If you also graded the submission, MediaShare records the grade in both your gradebook and the student's.

To review and grade submissions:

  1. Click the Assignments tab.
  2. Click the assignment's title or the View button to open it.
  3. Scroll down to the Submissions section of the page.
  4. Click the image or the title/file name of a student's submission.
  5. Click the Description button to display any information the student entered.
  6. Play or open the submission to review it.
  7. Enter any comments you have and click the Save button.

    When you enter comments on a video, MediaShare time stamps the comment with your location in the video. You can also pause the video, enter a comment, and then continue playing the video.

  8. Click the Instructor Review tab, if applicable, to enter your rubric scores.
    1. Select a category's score from its drop-down list.
    2. Enter your overall Comments on the rubric scores in the text box at the bottom of the tab.
    3. Click the Submit Instructor Review button to submit your rubric scores.
  9. Click the Peer Reviews tab, if applicable, to review and publish the students' rubric scores.

    The student scores are stacked, and you may need to scroll down to see all peer reviews.

    1. Review each student's rubric scores.
    2. Click the publish button to post a student's scores.

      Tip: You can retract published peer-review scores. Repeat this procedure and click the unpublish button for the student scores you want retracted.

  10. (Optional) Click the Final Grade tab to enter a grade in the gradebook.
    1. Enter the number of points the student earned in the Final Grade text box.
    2. Click the Submit Grade button.

See also:

Export the gradebook