Designate a teaching assistant (TA) or another instructor

Updated 27 Jan 2023

  1. Select Settings then the Class roster tab.

  2. Select the options menufor the student you want to be an instructor or TA.

  3. Select Change to instructor or Change to TA.

  4. Change to instructor appears only if the selected student has Pearson instructor credentials.

How are instructors and TAs different?

In Revel, TAs and instructors share most options. Like instructors, TAs can create and edit assignments, change due dates, grade assignments, and email students.

From My courses or the Class roster page, TAs can see the roster and email students. However, they can't drop or activate students, or change their own or another student's role.

Additionally, some (LMS) recognize TAs as students. To retain TA privileges, TAs should access their Revel course through the My courses page rather than their LMS.