Extend due dates for individual students

Updated 09 Oct 2023

You can extend all or part of an assignment's due date for individual students, and can do so for both upcoming and past due assignments.

To extend a due date for the entire class, change the assignment due date directly.

Extend a student's assignment due date

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  1. From Grades > Students, select the name of a student.
  2. On the Student Details page, select the options menu for an assignment you want to extend, then Extend due date.
  3. Enter a new due date that is after the original due date and not a date in the past, then Save.

A message with the new due date and time appears below each item in the assignment.

Change a student's assignment item due date

  1. From Grades > Students, select the name of a student.
  2. On the Student Details page, select an assignment's chevron to display all items in the assignment.
  3. Select an item's options menu then Extend due date.
  4. Enter a new due date that is after the original due date and not a date in the past.
  5. Repeat these steps for other assignment items you want to extend, then Save.

A message with the new due date and time appears below each changed item in the assignment.