Temporary groups and permanent teams

Updated 05 Mar 2024

Temporary groups

If your instructor sees that your class can benefit from brief, small-group discussions, Learning Catalytics creates temporary discussion groups based on your answers.

  • If you're in a physical classroom, it also considers your location on the classroom seat map.
  • If you're not in a physical classroom, Learning Catalytics assigns you a chat room.

You get a message about who else is in your group and how long you have to talk the question over.

You and your classmates tell each other your reasons for selecting your answer. You all come away with a clearer understanding of the question.

Even students who respond correctly in Round One benefit from explaining their reasoning to the group.

Your instructor may ask the same question again after the discussion, and more of you should answer it correctly.

Teams for a session

Your instructor may give you the name of a team and ask you to join that team for a session.

Permanent teams

Your instructor may assign you to permanent teams, which last for the entire course. In that case, you'll always discuss your answers with the same group.