Apply updated category settings to an existing assignment

Updated 11 May 2023

When you edit a category, the updated grading and presentation settings are NOT automatically applied to existing assignments that belong to that category. You must apply the updated category settings to individual assignments.

These instructions apply to Mastering standard assignments (includes parent assignments), but not to specialized assignments ( Adaptive Follow-Up assignments, Dynamic Study Module assignments, and Learning Catalytics sessions), or to  Scheduled Reading assignments.

Apply updated category settings to an assignment:

  1. Open the assignment for editing, if it isn't already open.
  2. On the 1 Settings page, select Edit Settings under Grading and Presentation Settings.

    “Some settings do not match your defaults for the Homework/Quiz/Test category” appears at the top of the window that opens.

  3. Select Reset to your defaults (top) to apply the latest settings for the category.

    If "Reset to your defaults" doesn’t appear, you see instead “All settings match your defaults for the Homework/Quiz/Test category”.

  4. Select Save and close the window.

See also: About assignment categories | Edit category settings | Create your own categories