Copy an assignment to other courses

You can copy the same assignment to multiple courses without having to open each course. This capability is especially useful for a course coordinator who can create an assignment once, and post it to multiple courses at the same time.


If an Adaptive Follow-Up assignment has been added to a Mastering assignment you are copying, the Follow-Up is automatically copied with the assignment if Follow-Ups are supported in the receiving course.
  For a Dynamic Study Modules assignment, the receiving course must support the same module that you are copying into it.
Learning Catalytics modules are not assigned through Mastering, so single modules must be copied from one course to another within Learning Catalytics. When you copy a Mastering course, however, all modules associated with the original course are available for use with the new Mastering course.


The process demonstrated in the following video copies one assignment to multiple courses, and can be repeated for additional assignments.

none Video: Copy an assignment to multiple courses

After you collapsedopen the Copy Assignment to Other Courses window, this process is simple, but there are some best practices to consider, described below.

Click Copy Assignment to Other Courses from either:

Best practices for copying an assignment to other courses

See also:

Copy assignments (includes step-by-step procedure for copying to other courses)

About creating or copying assignments

Create or edit an assignment