Multiple courses or one course with groups?
Updated 19 Feb 2024
If multiple sections of the same academic course will use Mastering with the same textbook, alternatives are available for creating one or more Mastering courses. Course owners (whose Pearson account was created using an educator access code) can create or copy a course.
Planning to integrate a Mastering course with an LMS?
You’ll create or copy the course from your LMS. For course pairing instructions, see Instructor Help for using Mastering with your LMS.

Each copy has its own course ID, calendar of assignment dates, roster of enrolled students, and Mastering Gradebook. See Characteristics of a copied course to read about elements that are copied initially, and those that can be added later.
You can make as many copies of a course as you need, or one person can create a course for any number of instructors to copy. The person who creates a course for others must make it available for copying and must tell other instructors the course ID to use.
Students can enroll in any number of Mastering courses simultaneously, provided the courses use the same textbook and the student has made a purchase or redeemed an access code. This comes in handy when a student needs to switch to a different course section.

and then organize students into the groups. In the Gradebook you can see student results filtered by groups. For details, see Organize students into sections or other groups. Any instructor or section instructor with the Groups privilege can create groups, and with the Roster privilege can assign students to groups.
You can also discuss with your Pearson rep whether the BETA Assign-by-Group feature might be appropriate for your situation. This feature enables you to set different assignment deadlines for sections that meet at different times, or assign more work for one group than another. It works best for courses in which students are unlikely to move from one section to another. See the Caution in Organize students into sections or other groups for details.

be aware of the one-to-one relationship between a Mastering course and a single Learning Catalytics course. Within the Learning Catalytics course, you can create separate modules or copies of one module to be redelivered to course sections that meet at different times. But, if you transfer scores from Learning Catalytics, each delivered session appears as a separate column in the Mastering Gradebook.
An alternative is to use multiple Mastering courses, each with its own Gradebook and its own associated Learning Catalytics course. You can then create a Learning Catalytics module to be copied into each Learning Catalytics course.
Note: The groups that you add in your Mastering course are not related to permanent teams you can establish in Learning Catalytics, or to any temporary grouping you might use for peer-to-peer learning in a Learning Catalytics session.
See also: Edit course settings | Overview: Learning Catalytics