Icons and conventions

Updated 20 Sep 2022

Icons are used in your course to give you shorthand information. You can point to an icon online to see a brief explanation.

Location Icon Explanation
All pages Help icon Opens the online help.
Print icon Prints the page.
Legend Opens this page.
Results, Assignments Due M You already mastered the topic or module
Grayed out score A grayed-out score with low score beneath indicates your instructor dropped the lowest score for everyone in your class.
The score is -- The score is not included in your overall score.
Score with an asterisk (*) Your instructor changed or omitted your score. Select the asterisk to display the explanation.
Your instructor needs to grade a question in the assignment. If you were required to show how you got your answer, select the icon to see your score so far.
Instructor review complete Your instructor has reviewed your work but the score isn't final. For example, the feedback for a writing assignment may not yet be available.
Course Home, Assignments Due, Learning Path Due icon The date when assignments are due or past due.
Completed icon You have submitted an activity.
Mastered icon You have completed the module, topic, or activity with a mastery score.
Prerequisite icon You must complete a prerequisite assignment before you can work on this one.
Notifications icon
  • On the Assignments Due tab: The number of assignments due in the selected week and any past due assignments.
  • MyWriting tab: The number of writing assignments with feedback that you haven't yet reviewed.
  • Announcements tab: The number of announcements posted in the last five days.
Needs Study icon A topic or module that needs more study.
Your instructor has posted a comment on your work.
Extra Practice Ready to Retest icon You have answered the practice questions correctly and are ready to prove mastery.
Extra Practice icon A topic that is not included on your Learning Path so you don't need to study it.
Needs Study icon A topic or module that needs more study.
Mastered icon You completed the module, topic, or activity with a mastery score.
Homework Overview, Test summary Ungraded icon Your instructor has not yet graded the question.
Correct You answered the question correctly.
Incorrect You answered the question incorrectly.
Partially Correct icon You answered part of the question correctly and received partial credit.
Incorrect The question is incorrect because it is not complete.
Essay icon An essay question or a multipart question that includes an essay.
Show Work icon You must show the work you did to answer.