Take locked-down tests or quizzes

When you take a locked-down assessment, you cannot open other browser windows or use any other application while you are taking the assessment. For example, you cannot use the online calculator or open a different browser. Question help tools are not available when you are taking a locked-down assessment.

If you are working in your school's computer lab, the Lockdown Browser might already be installed. But if you are working on your own machine, you need to install the Pearson LockDown Browser.

You cannot take locked-down tests or quizzes on your tablet.

the Pearson LockDown Browser is not compatible with the JAWS screen reader. If an assessment is presented in the lock-down browser or you are asked to install the lock-down browser, you will need to complete the assessment on a laptop or desktop system. See your instructor if you need further assistance.

If you ran the Browser Check, you already installed the Pearson LockDown Browser, if it's needed in your course.

When you are taking a locked-down test or quiz, you may see a warning icon on the "Are you ready to start?" page. If so, you need to check whether the LockDown Browser is installed.