Use Skill Builder

Updated 26 Jul 2021

Your homework assignment might include Skill Builder adaptive help. Skill Builder helps you learn the concepts you need to understand to answer a question.

Skill Builder monitors your answers when you do a homework assignment. If you need help, you can open Skill Builder to practice. The questions in Skill Builder adjust to what you know and return you to the question when you're finished.

To use Skill Builder:

  1. If you are struggling to answer, select Skill Builder in the player window or in the Get More Help menu.

    The top of the player window changes color so you know that you are working outside your homework assignment.

  2. Answer the Skill Builder questions.

    A chart The chart shows your progress across three skill levels. When you reach the third level you are ready to return to the homework questions. at the top of the window shows your progress.

  3. Go back to work on the original homework question when Skill Builder says that you are ready.

When you review your homework, you also can see your adaptive practice work.