Location: Assignments > Create assignments > Create a peer-review assignment > Best practices for creating a peer-review assignment

Best practices for creating a peer-review assignment

Whether creating or editing a peer-review assignment, there are three components that you need to consider: the base assignment, the assignment's peer groups or teams, and the assignment's schedule.

Best practices

Pearson recommends the following best practices for setting up a peer-review assignment and ensuring that students can do their work on the assignment.

Step 1. Create the base (composition) assignment.

Once completed, this composition assignment will become the base assignment (the assignment that the students will review).

Make sure that the base assignment's Assignment Due Date is before the peer-review assignment's Assignment Start Date.

Step 2. Create the peer-review assignment.

Again, make sure that this assignment's Start Date is far enough after the base assignment's Due Date to give you time to:
