Writing prompts

Instructors use writing prompts to serve different purposes, such as:

You add or modify writing prompts when creating or editing composition and collaboration assignments. You can type and format a prompt directly in the MyLab or paste text from another document. Any prompts that you add are automatically saved and are always available.

To select, create, or edit a writing prompt:

  1. Click the Select button for the Writing Prompt option.

    The Writing Prompt option is on the Assignment Builder Step 2 page for composition and collaboration assignments.

    The writing prompt window opens.

  2. (Optional) Click the Existing tab to review any writing prompts that are preloaded with your course.
  3. Do one of the following:

When students open the assignment, the MyLab displays the writing prompt in the assignment details.

See also:

Create a collaboration assignment | Create a composition assignment | Edit an assignment