Location: The composing space > Text editor > Edit an image

Edit an image in the text editor

After you insert an image in the composing space's text editor, you can change the image attributes, such as its size, alternate text (alt text), border, and vertical and horizontal spacing. You can also add or remove a link from an image.

The image size settings are in pixels. The size of a pixel is relative to your system's resolution. For example, a 1280 x 800 screen resolution is 1280 pixels by 800 pixels. If you change that screen's resolution to 800 x 600 pixels, there are fewer pixels in the same area, so they appear to be larger. Most people are not fluent in pixel measurements and adjust an image size by eye or estimation. For example, if an image is twice as big as you want it, reduce the pixel dimensions by half. Another option for resizing an image is to select it and then drag a selection handle.

The following procedures describe editing an image, adding a link to an image, and removing an image link. Click a procedure's link to display its steps.