The main area of the composing space is the text editor, which displays the student's submission or links to student file attachments. You use the text editor to review, add comments to, and record a score for a student's submission.
You can use the icons across the top of the editor just as you use icons in a word processor. There are standard formatting icons and functional icons, such as Find, Copy, Paste, Paste from Word, Toggle Fullscreen Mode, Undo, and Redo.
You may also find it useful to increase the size of the editor.
The composing space automatically saves your work after a set period of time, but save your work frequently just as you would in any word processor. Especially save an open document before walking away from the computer, texting, checking tweets—it's easy for a distraction that might take just a minute to take an hour. When you return, save the document again.
See also: