Location: Assignments > Skill-building assignments

Skill-building assignments

When you open a skill-building assignment, the Review Assignment Details window displays the assignment's and the percentage each exercise contributes to the final score.

Note: The exercises your instructor includes in a skill-building assignment are unique; they are not available in your Resource topics.

Most skill-building questions are multiple choice, and you select an answer. Other questions require that you write a response. For a multiple-choice question, the MyLab lets you know as soon as you submit an answer whether it is correct or incorrect. When you complete the exercise, the MyLab grades your work and displays the results. The MyLab, however, cannot grade a written response and submits the assignment to your instructor for grading.

The following two procedures explain how to work through a question-and-answer exercise and a written-response exercise. Click a procedure's link to display its steps.

To work through a skill-building question-and-answer exercise


To work through a skill-building exercise that requires a written response

See also:

Assignments overview | Display your assignment scores