Step 4: Set Course Copy Properties

When creating or copying a course, you use this page to specify whether other instructors can copy or link to this course. (You cannot change the copy properties when linking to a course.)

Make Course Public: Select Yes to allow other instructors to copy or link to the course. If you select No, only you can copy or link to the course. For this option, keep in mind that selecting Yes makes the course available to all instructors, not just those at your institution.

Course Copy Availability: Select an option from the drop-down list to specify whether other instructors can copy or link to your course. (The drop-down list is available only if you selected Yes for Make Course Public.)

Require Password to Copy: Select Yes if you want the course available for copying or linking only by instructors who have the password. Then enter the Copy Access Password. (This option is available only if you selected Yes for Make Course Public.)

Copy Course Notes: Select Yes if you want any notes you added to the course included when the course is copied or linked to.