Location: The Study Plan > Hide and Show Activity Exercises

Hide and Show Activity Exercises

Each Study Plan topic has Activities that comprise one or more sets of exercises. You can selectively hide or show sets of exercises from your students on a topic-by-topic basis.

Important: The ideal time to hide an Activity is before students have started working in the course. If you hide an Activity that students have already worked in or are working in, note the following:

To hide or show an Activity:

Use this procedure to hide an Activity for a Reading Skills topic. (This action is not available for a Reading Level topic.)

  1. Click the Study Plan tab.
  2. Click Edit Study Plan and Set Due Dates.
  3. Click a topic to display its Review Materials and Activities.
  4. Click the Hide button for the Activity that has the exercises you want removed from the students' Study Plan.

You can later enable the display of the Activity in the students' Study Plan by repeating this procedure and clicking the Activity's Show button.

See also:

Customize the Study Plan | Hide and Show Topics