Study Plan: Recall, Practice, and Test Properties

You can edit the Study Plan and set the default requirements for the reading-skill recall, practice, and test exercises. These properties are on the Study Plan Properties page.

Recall, Practice, and Test Properties

Use these settings to specify whether students' mastery in a topic requires that they complete Recall, Practice, and/or Test exercises and to specify the Mastery Scores for these exercises. (Students do not need to work through all exercise sets to achieve mastery. They can achieve mastery based on a diagnostic pre-test or a topic's initial exercise set(s).)

For Practice and Test exercises, also specify whether you want to Manually Grade Short Answer Questions (where students type their responses to questions in a text box). If you select Yes, you must grade these answers before a student can continue to the next exercise set.

See also:

Edit Study Plan Properties | Customize the Study Plan