Set your time zone and account preferences

Updated 19 Feb 2024

After you tune up your browser, you need to specify the time zone you want to use for your course and select the language in which you want course content and Help topics to appear.

You can set the course time zone, time and date format, and course language options from the My Profile page.

The time zone you select determines how your course calculates whether a student submits an assignment on time or late. By default, the Eastern (U.S.) time zone is set in your course. If you select a different time zone on this page, it overrides any time zone set by students on their My Profile page. For example, if you select the Pacific (U.S.) time zone, your students’ time zone is also set to Pacific, even if they change the time zone on their My Profile page to another time zone.

If you want to set your time zone to a zone other than Eastern U.S., you must change the time zone on both the My Profile page, and on the Preferences > Time Zone and Localization page. If you want to use the Eastern U.S. time zone, no changes are necessary. You must set your time zone in each course you teach.

Video: How to set a time zone for your account

  1. Click My Profile in the top-right corner of the page.
  2. Select the Time zone you want to use to display dates and times while working in your courses.

    If you select a time zone that is different than the time zone a student selects, the assignment due times you set adjust for the student, based on the time zone selected by the student.

  3. In the Locale preference list, select the appropriate location to change the format used for numbers, times, and dates in your course.

    Example formats for the location you select appear below the drop-down list.

  4. If available, in On-screen language display, select the language you want to use for your course materials.
  5. If available, in Online Help language display, select the language you want to use for the information that appears when you click Help in the top-right corner of the page.
  6. To save your changes, click Save.

  • You determine whether students can change the locale formats and the language in which course materials and Help appear. By default, the course settings override changes that students make to their profile settings. If you do not want students to be able to change the locale or course language display, go to Preferences > Time Zone and Localization page and clear Course overrides user profile preferences.
  • Teaching assistants can never change Preferences pages. (MyLab Languages only)
  • You cannot edit the My Profile page from the student view. If you open the page, a message "This student profile cannot be edited" appears. This action prevents you from accidentally changing the demonstration student's name or time zone.