Adding Personal Information

When you create or change an account, you enter personal details, such as name, date of birth, and gender to identify the user.

Note: Fields with an * indicates a required field.

To add personal information:

  1. Under Personal Information, from the Prefix list, select the courtesy title that appears before the user's name (for example, Ms.).
  2. In the First Name box, enter the user's first or given name.
  3. In the Middle Name box, enter the user's middle name or initial.
  4. In the Last Name box, enter the user's last name, family name, or surname.
  5. In the Display Name box, enter the name or nickname that appears when the user accesses Pearson websites or tools. For example, if a user's display name is Rich, Hello Rich! appears at the top of the RADmin page.
  6. In the Birth Date box, enter the user's birth date in MM/DD/YYYY format.
  7. From the Gender list, select the user's gender.
  8. From the Preferred Language list, select the default language in which the user wants to display content in Pearson websites or tools. The preferred language is used when the user signs in with the username and password associated with this account.

See Also

Creating User Accounts

Showing Original User Details