About Users and Accounts

Users can create accounts to subscribe to Pearson products and resources, but an account's main purpose is to identify a user in RUMBA. Accounts can exist without subscriptions.


This table shows sample user types from inside and outside of Pearson:

External Users Internal Users
  • Students and instructors in Higher Education
  • Professionals training in disciplines from nursing to auto-mechanics
  • Students and teachers in primary and secondary education (kindergarten through high school)
  • School, college, and corporate administrators of online learning
  • Retail accounts for direct-to-consumer products such as standalone eBooks
  • Self-study users
  • Media production teams and quality assurance
  • Sales representatives
  • Technical specialists
  • Customer support representatives
  • Customer service representatives
  • Operations staff

Associations and roles within organizations, such as schools or universities, help identify some users. Roles include:

This image shows the relationship among users, accounts, and organizations:

User image

A user can have associations with multiple organizations, but only one role within one organization. If a user teaches and takes continuing education classes at the same school, the user's role is teacher, but his or her learning context is as a student.

Access rights determine the level of permissions (view, create, edit, and delete) RADmin users have for different categories of functionality, such as products and resources or projects.


An account is a unique set of information that identifies a user and enables him or her to sign in to Pearson websites and content applications. A user should have only one account, and only one user should be associated with an account. A user can register for multiple products using a single account without needing additional accounts. However, a user might create multiple accounts, usually by mistake or forgetting the username and password.

Depending on the associated organization and role, account information might include the user's:

The minimum amount of information required for most accounts is a username and password. For security purposes, a username and password are used by RUMBA to authenticate the user when he or she signs into a Pearson website or content application.

Accounts are created in one of these ways:

Additional User Information

From RADmin, in addition to user account information, you can view the user's original account details, subscriptions, transaction history, and payment refunds.