Add multiple links to a rich text page
In some courses, you can include one or more links on any rich text content page in your course. You can add as many links as you want this way.
To create a menu item that opens to an individual website, see instead Add an external website as a menu item.
To link to a website from a content page:
- If available in your course, open the content editor for a content page.
- If the content page already exists, select the course menu item to open it then select Edit.
- If the content page doesn’t exist, select Manage Course, Edit Course Menu, then Add page. Enter a name for the page.
- For Content type, use Rich text as the default.
- Below the content editor toolbar, place your cursor where you want to add the website link then either:
- Right-click and select
- Select Insert then
- Right-click and select
- For URL, copy and paste the URL.
The URL must begin with https://.
- For Text to display, enter a name for the link.
- For Open link in…, select either Current window or New window. If the site has its own left navigation, it’s best practice to choose New window.
- When you're done editing the page, select Save.
- To try the new link, open the content page and select the link.