Print assignments
Print an assignment any time, such as printing a test for students to take offline.

- In the Assignment Manager, find the assignment to print.
- In the 3-dot
Options menu, select Print.
- In the Name box, optionally enter a unique name for the printed assignment and its answer key (if you provide it). This name is printed on the assignment.
- Under Page Layout, choose portrait or landscape mode if you are working in Chrome. Otherwise, set this preference in your browser's Print dialog.
- Under Print Random Versions, select:
- Scramble question order to randomly order the questions in the printout.
- Reorder multiple choice questions to change the order of choices in multiple choice questions.
- Select Include header to show assignment information at the top of the printed assignment. The header includes spaces for students to enter their names and the date.
- Select Include honor statement to require students to sign a no-cheating pledge on the first page of the assignment. A default honor statement is provided, but you can edit it.
- Select Include answers to print answers with the assignment. Select:
- In separate answer key to print the answers on a separate page at the end of the assignment.
- In-line to print the answers in the body of the question.
- After each question to print the answers following each question.
- Select Include Question ID to display the number of the corresponding question in your textbook.
- Select Print to open your browser's Print dialog, where you can send the file to your printer or save it as a PDF file and email it to yourself.

For algorithmic questions, where the values are regenerated each time the question is accessed online, question values are regenerated each time you print. To print different versions of an assignment with varying question values, print multiple times.
If you require students to show their work, extra lines show after the question so students can add the steps they took to get the answer. (If you display answers in-line, students see an extra line with the text "Manually graded.")
For economics questions that require real-time data from FRED, correct answers might differ from answers given in the answer key because real-time data changes frequently.
You can print a students' completed assignment from their Results page.