Submit scores for incomplete assignments

Updated 01 Feb 2024

You can enter zeros for students who have not completed assignments and you can submit partial scores for students whose test or quiz was interrupted.

A test or quiz is incomplete if a student has not taken it or if the test was interrupted. A homework assignment is incomplete if the student has not started it.

  1. In the Gradebook, select Manage Incompletes in the toolbar.
  2. Choose whether to assign zeros or current scores for interrupted tests and quizzes.

    If you are applying current scores, optionally apply a late penalty to tests or quizzes, as defined in the assignment settings.

  3. Choose whether to submit zeros for any type of assignment that a student has not started.
  4. Optionally use the assignment type and chapters menus to filter the list of assignments or choose Select All Past Due to select all students who have missed the deadline for any assignment.

    Assignments with past-due results show in red. Omitted assignments show in gray.

    Students with extensions that are not past their due date are not selected.

  5. Select the plus sign + beside an assignment name to see the students with past due results.
  6. Select any student you want to submit a score for.
  7. Select Submit to submit zeros or current scores for the selected students.

In course groups, coordinating instructors can submit zeros for assignments in all member courses.

Watch: Submit scores for incomplete assignments