Set scoring options
You can choose how scores and averages calculate and display.
From to the Gradebook, select More Tools > Set Scoring Options.
Attempts to Include
For tests that students are allowed to take more than once, you can choose which attempts contribute to their overall score:
- Best score — use the student's best score.
- Most recent score — use the student's most recent attempt.
- Average score — use the average of all the student's attempts.
- All scores — use the scores from all the student's attempts.
Score Calculations
Choose how student averages are calculated:
- Current average — include only tests with results.
- Cumulative performance — include all tests and assign a score of zero to uncompleted tests.
Score Display
Choose how student scores are displayed:
- Percentages — show all scores calculated as percentages.
- Points — show overall scores and category scores as points earned/total points available.
Instructor's Scores
Choose whether class averages include scores from any work you do:
- Omit — do not include instructor's scores in class averages.
- Include — include instructor's scores in class averages.
Students' Scores
Select Hide Overall Score to hide the system-calculated score. This setting is useful when you prefer to use your own score calculations.
Select Show Overall Score to choose how the overall score is displayed on the Announcements page or on student Results page:
- Hide Assignments Submitted progress bars — prevents students from seeing a bar chart of their progress.
- Hide Overall Score details and Show Calculation link — hide this information on the students' Results page.
- Change "Overall Score" name — enter a new name to use another term for the overall score.
See also: Change test weights